
You may be surprised to learn that a massive 45-70% of our body is made up of water, that is why fluid is essential for life.

It's important therefore to replace fluids that are lost through day to day activities, and why doctors recommend that we drink at least 2.5 pints/1.5 litres of fluid per day to prevent dehydration.

Tea, which on average accounts for 40% of our daily fluid intake in Britain, can help you reach the daily target.

Articles and research (4)

Title Date Category Description  
Tea for Sport and Fitness: A Scoping Review 1st Sep '21 Hydration New research review shines a light on the fascinating health and fitness benefits of tea, particularly the part it plays in sports performance and fitness. More research is needed.
A randomised cross-over trial to evaluate the impact of tea on measures of hydration 18th Jun '16 Hydration There is a view in the popular press that caffeinated drinks, such as tea, have an adverse effect on hydration.
Tea: hydration and other health benefits 3rd May '16 Hydration Research review
Black tea is not significantly different from water in the maintenance of normal hydration in human 20th Jan '11 Hydration Research paper

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